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Panhellenic Council

Alpha Delta Pi

The first sorority to be founded, Alpha Delta Pi, has treasured the last 173 years of excellence through community service, scholastic achievement, social enrichment, and sisterhood.

The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi pride themselves on being extremely involved on campus and striving to succeed academically. Many of our sisters are actively involved on campus through College Night, University Chorus, Falcon Scholars in Action, Baptist Campus Ministries, Spectrum, Montevallo Honors Organization, and many more clubs and organizations on campus. Our sisters show involvement in not only campus organizations, but they have also been inducted into numerous honors societies. Some of these include: Phi Kappa Phi, Lambda Pi Eta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key International Honour Society, the National Society for Leadership and Success, and Phi Alpha Theta. Our sisters are also represented in many different honor societies within their degrees. Sisters’ names are on both the President’s and Dean’s Lists.

Alpha Delta Pi hosts a number of social events including: a formal in the spring, a semi-formal in the fall, mixers with both fraternities and sororities, date parties, and philanthropic events to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Our sisters are fortunate to have a Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, thus allowing sisters to help firsthand with their philanthropy by cooking, cleaning, and making various seasonal crafts to ease the strain of the difficult experience of having a child with a serious illness.

The Zeta Delta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi prides itself on upholding the values and responsibilities entailed in its age-old motto of “living for each other” and seeks to promote a well-rounded collegiate lifestyle that reflects its historically high campus GPA and deep commitment to forging strong, lifelong friendships.


Nickname ADPi
Founded 1851, Wesleyan College
Founded at UM 1971
Chapter Name Zeta Delta
Flower Woodland Violet
Colors Azure Blue and White
Mascot Alphie the Lion
Philanthropy The Ronald McDonald House
Motto “We Live for Each Other”
High School GPA Req. 3.0
College GPA Req. 3.0
National Website
Local Website UM Alpha Delta Pi